How to choose a foundation brush that suits you?

Foundation Brush

Angled foundation brush

The flat section of this foundation brush has a slight slope, and the angled shape will make the bristles on one side of the foundation brush longer, which makes it easier to deal with the details when applying makeup. The angled foundation brush has soft bristles, high density, and good powder grasping ability. I personally feel that it is quite suitable for novices, especially the details of the nose wing. The angled foundation brush can take care of it.

What is needed is a bevel foundation brush or a flat-head foundation brush to use the “poke on makeup method”. The foundation brush needs to be dipped in a small amount of makeup product several times, and then gently poke on the face. For the base makeup product, it is recommended not to choose too thick, thin and fluid base makeup can make the “poke on makeup method” more natural.

Round head foundation brush

The shape of the bristles of the round-head foundation brush is round, and the bristles are thick and solid. Because the area of ​​contact with the face is relatively large, the speed of applying makeup is fast.

But because the brush head is a relatively round shape, there are no corners to take care of the details, and the base makeup of other small details needs to be replaced. The technique of applying makeup should be gentle and apply in circular motions like a splash of water. Thicker foundation products are more suitable for round foundation brushes, but the makeup will feel thicker.

Before applying makeup, we need to apply the base makeup product roughly on our face, and then use the round-tip foundation brush for blending, so that the thickness of the base makeup will be more even.

Flat head/tongue type foundation brush

This kind of foundation brush looks flat on the side, so it is called a flat-head foundation brush. The top of the bristles will be rounded, and like a tongue, it will also be called a tongue-shaped foundation brush. The bristles of this foundation brush are relatively flat, so it is less powdery, and it saves liquid foundation and is easier to clean.

The tongue-shaped foundation brush has the advantage that everyone likes it better, but it has a slower speed of applying makeup and pays more attention to the technique, so it is not suitable for novices. The order of applying the tongue-shaped foundation brush is from the inside to the outside, from the bottom to the top, so that the makeup is applied along the texture of the skin, so that the skin is less pulled. It is inevitable that there will be some small brush marks, and then we can use our hands or a beauty egg to remove the marks evenly, and make the base makeup more compliant.

Toothbrush type foundation brush

The foundation brush like a toothbrush was really popular last year. The bristles are dense and soft. They are suitable for sober and natural makeup. If you like nude makeup, you can try this one!

The base makeup product is suitable for the base makeup product with relatively good fluidity, which is more conducive to creating a seamless and natural nude makeup transparency.

The way of applying makeup is the same as that of the tongue-shaped foundation brush. From the inside to the outside, from the bottom to the top, the foundation brush of the toothbrush head is also very good in handling details, which is very suitable for novice makeup users.

Post time: Aug-16-2021